Practice safely with a suitable horse, in an enclosed area. Use a head collar and rope to hold your horse.
1. Put a head collar, with a rope on your horse. Hold the rope with one hand and use your free hand to do the brushing.
2. Keeping your hand away from your horse’s body, gently brush the area around it. Begin at the neck on whichever side you prefer. I don’t brush the head in the beginning, in case it frightens the horse.
3. When you have brushed the neck and shoulder area, brush down the front leg, on either side to the ground. Be sure to keep to the side of your horse, in case he/she raises a leg. Just reach in with your hand.
4. Then go up to the shoulder area again and begin brushing the rest of the body.
5. When you have finished one side, begin on the other, using the same process, and always going in the direction of the tail.
When you brush your horse’s etheric field, it has the affect of making him feel lighter, more refreshed, and more energised, almost like a weight has been taken off him or her.
Brushing is one of the oldest bodywork techniques known to man.
Enjoy your practice and let me know how you get on!
– Jenny