Clear Your Horse's Etheric Field
Taoist Energy Therapy For You & Your Horse

For horse lovers, who want to learn how to work on their horse's energy field to make it vibrant and clear
Maybe you've thought about doing energy work over the years, but you weren't really sure where to begin, or what system to follow.
How would it feel if you were able to give your horse an energetic clearing or healing yourself?
You and your horse could feel more relaxed and connected together, and the special bond between you would deepen, because you'd be connecting at an energetic level.
This is something we all have the ability to do, and you can learn how to clear your horse's etheric field, yourself, using the material in this course.
A little bit about me …

My name is Jenny Pim, I live in Co. Wexford, Ireland with my husband. Our three boys are mostly grown up, one is a teacher, another works in Canada and our youngest is in University, but they still come home for holidays and weekends.
I've had ponies all of my life, I got my first pony when I was six, and he was possibly the naughtiest pony on the planet, but I loved him to bits, no matter what he did to me! Maybe just like you, I have always felt a special attraction to horses.

When I began to learn and teach Tai Chi, it led me to create Equestrian Tai Chi.
As I developed Equestrian Tai Chi, I came to know that horses really love energy work. When I practiced Equestrian Tai Chi on their backs, they relaxed and showed the common signs that horses show when they relaxed, such as licking and chewing, resting a hind leg and lowering their heads. As well as this, I noticed that they seemed more at ease and happier in themselves in general.
I also had other ponies that were not in riding. So as not to leave them out from the benefits that I had developed from Equestrian Tai Chi, I would spend some time with these ponies in the evenings, working on clearing their etheric fields or auras.
What I loved about this work, was the Stillness that it brought to me. It gave me a satisfied connected feeling, a feeling of connection to all things, that extended much deeper and further than just my physical surroundings. And I think it brought the same peace and Stillness to my ponies.
There were two things that surprised me from doing this work:-
1. I noticed that horses sought out this healing energy if they were physically free to do so.
For instance if I was working on a pony in a field, other ponies would come and stand nearby, as if they sensed they could benefit from the energy. Or if I was working on a pony in the stables, the ponies in the adjoining stables would stand by their walls, as close to us as they could. (The walls in our stables are low, so I could see them.)
2. If one horse was being treated, it affected all the other horses nearby.
If I was working on the etheric field of one horse, the others would all lower their heads and become very quiet and relax as well.
This made me think how empathetic horses are, and on the flip side, how hard it must be for them, when other horses in their vicinity are being treated badly, even if they are not actually being treated badly themselves.

So I created this course for horse lovers, who want to bring peace to their horses, but also, so that somehow other horses could benefit from it too.
We are told that we are one, what affects one person affects us all, in some way or another. My experiences with my ponies clearly showed this to me.
Horses etheric fields are healed and regenerated naturally by the cosmos, by the wind and the gentle rain, the sunlight and the moonlight. But with the stress of modern living, many horses suffer from stress and appreciate having their energy fields worked on.

So in what situations could horses benefit from having their etheric fields or auras cleared?
1. If your horse is kept in a noisy yard or stables
It will give him/her a chance to relax deeply, to rest and to regenerate.
2. If you think your horse has been bullied in the past
Clearing his/her etheric field will relieve some of the damage. Taoists believe that the energetic imprints of everything that has happened us remains in our systems, until it is somehow resolved and set free.
3. If you can't ride your horse at the moment
If you can't ride your horse for some reason, he/she can still benefit from your company and enjoy spending time with you. You needn't loose that close connection, just because you can't ride right now.
4. If your horse is in riding, it gives you and your horse a chance to just relax together, spending time with no concrete goal or purpose
Clearing your horse's etheric field, makes him/her feel cared for, in a deeper and more satisfying way, than just normal grooming or care.
5. Horses that compete and travel a lot
These horses will benefit from having the energetic imprints of the day's happenings gently cleared, before they settle down for the night.
6. Younger horses are very in tune with their own energy and respond well to energy work
It gives us an opportunity to spend time with them, when they are not having to learn and do things all the time. They can develop trust in us and feel safe.
7. Older horses who have worked hard all their lives
Older horses may have aches and pains in their bones. They will benefit from the heat and the gentle flow of energy as it travels deep inside their bodies, and it also gives us a chance to give them some gentle TLC.
8. Horses that are aloof and don't seek connection with humans respond well to this treatment
They recognise when we connect with our energy, and this makes it easier for them to connect with us. It provides a middle ground for connection.

I have been teaching Tai Chi professionally since 2002. I’m a registered Tai Chi Instructor for The Tai Chi Union For Great Britain and I'm a Certified Riding Coach registered with Horse Sport Ireland.
My interests now lie in helping riders to open and develop their energy and deepen their partnership with their horse through the practice of Equestrian Tai Chi, in training Equestrian Tai Chi Instructors and in teaching riders how to clear their horse's etheric field.
I have taught many different types of people, for many years, how to connect with their energy, and I believe that it is an ability we all have within us.
Everything that is taught in this course is firmly grounded in Tai Chi and Taoist theory, and it's methods draw on centuries old Taoist bodywork techniques.
Here's what you'll learn as you progress through the Four Modules –
- How to connect with your energy so you can feel it.
- How to connect with horses energy so you can feel it too!
- 3 Taoist Methods for Clearing and Smoothing your horse's energy so it becomes vibrant and clear.
- How to find the places in your horses energy field that need healing and feel the different qualities of the energy.
- How to treat the different qualities of energy that you have learned to discern.
How to pull and push energy, this will develop your skill for removing blockages in your horse's energy field. - How to locate and remove blockages with the skill that you have developed!
- Taoist Breathing methods to keep you centered while you practice on your horse.
- Taoist Breathing exercises to bring energy all through your body and make your hands and feet more sensitive to energy so you can feel energy more easily and connect better with the Earth.
- Equestrian Chi Gung exercises to balance your energy, your own energy needs to be balanced for working with your horse.
- Special Chi sensitivity exercises used by high level Doctors of Chinese Medicine to develop their sensitivity to energy to assist them in healing their patients.
- How to clear yourself after practice with your horse, so you can let go of any energy that may have become attached to you.
As well as this there's a special bonus of 6 Weeks of Interactive Challenges
Each week for 6 Weeks you'll receive a new Challenge.
You'll be invited to come and write about your Challenge in the Challenge forum about how you get on with your practice.
This is fun and it doesn't take very long to do at all, and it's a great way of helping you to learn.
These Challenges are to bring you through the material in the course, and you'll also learn you to send Compassion to your horse in the Final two Challenges.
The Challenges will help you to practice your Equestrian Chi Gung exercises and Taoist Breathing Exercises and to make these a part of your life.
Your horse will appreciate this effort and practice that you put into yourself, it will make your energy very smooth and very attractive to him or her.
The Challenges will set the foundation for a new way of being and connecting with your horse and yourself.
Learn Taoist Energy Therapy For Your Horse Early Bird Offer till Saturday Night
1 Single Payment
US$307 $233
(Receiving a discount of 20% for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is what people are saying ...
Energy flows just watching the videos
Wow Jenny, this is amazing, the energy starts flowing just when I am watching the videos, my reiki training will be helping me as well. It's very hot here, so bathed 2 horses, then started to work on them. The energy is amazing ...
My goodness the amount of sticky toffee as you call it was so easy to feel. Especially with my husband's retired hunter Del. He is covered in melanomas. The tummy rumbling and the sighing was quite loud. So was the farting lol! I'm going up to my field shortly & will just find myself a spot, get myself into the present and see who comes for some work ......
Sally Proe
United Kingdom
More relaxed and more friendly didn't crib like she usually does
Hi Jenny, I had a great session with Red and also his sister Rosie. I did a little with Rosie first, she was standing by the gate, and I could clear her etheric field on her left side, by reaching over the gate. Afterwards, she seemed more relaxed, more friendly, didn't go to the gate to crib like she usually does, blew some air and ate some hay. So I think it was beneficial.

Red's session was longer and more complex. I started along his back and he was very relaxed. Then he began to grab his chest with his teeth, and in particular the left point of his shoulder. He does this sometimes, so it's not a new behaviour.
So first I scratched this area, which he really liked. Then I went to his neck and shoulder area, and moved the energy down the shoulder and the leg. At that moment I felt/saw that in his past he had been pushed and hit across the chest by people trying to move him and control him. I told him that I was sorry for whatever had been done to him, for whatever reason. Then I went to his back and hind again. and finished that side. Then I did his other side and closed his energy. He was very relaxed after all of this and walked away quietly.
The other interesting thing is that his pasture mate just stood off from us, relaxed and sleepy.
Usually he is a friendly pest, always curious, too close and annoys Red at times. It is unusual for him to be so quiet.
I felt the energy in general in myself, and in my horses, more grounded, stable and positive than on a normal day. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.
Sybil Miller
Experiencing Chi as a tingling and slightly prickly sensation

Hi Jenny, I am really enjoying the whole process of learning to feel both my energy and my horse's, and learning the different movements. It is a great experience to actually be able to feel my chi and to feel Baylee's energy field, which I experience as a tingling slightly prickly sensation.
When I comb and clear her energy field, she hangs her head and really seems to enjoy it. I have only had a little time to practice on her during the week. But Sunday is my day for riding her, so I will spend some quality time with her and practice more of the techniques.
Sarah Wainwright
Share bonding and continue to build our relationship ...

"I have thoroughly Jenny’s course. The course is laid out in a very logical progression and presented in bite-sized learning which makes it easy to remember key points to integrate into your daily behaviours. I like that Jenny delivers exercises for the human as well as the actual steps to clearing the horse's etheric field.
The steps to clearing your horses etheric field are easy to break down into manageable steps so I never felt overwhelmed in the process.
At first my horse seemed to be thinking "what the heck are you doing" but by gradually introducing it, he seems to enjoy the process as well. The other day I was doing one of the methods on him and he turned his head and nuzzled my shoulder while I was working on him. I have found it a wonderful way to share bonding time with him and to continue to build our relationship. Jenny is responsive with any questions I have had and provided extra guidance when requested.
Dorothy Tenute
B.C. Canada
I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you decide How to clear your horse's etheric field is not for you, that is no problem at all, just send me a video or yourself practicing some of the exercises within 30 Days, and I will happily refund your money.
1 Single Payment
US$307 $233
(Receiving a discount of 20% for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course

This course is an opportunity for you to reach in through a window, and make contact with your horse energetically in a deeper dimension.
The teaching in this course gives horses a chance to truly relax and feel safe with us.
Learn Taoist Energy Therapy For Your Horse Early Bird Offer till Saturday Night
1 Single Payment
US$307 $233
(Receiving a discount of 20% for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course