Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect

For riders who want to learn Equestrian Tai Chi to enhance their riding, to deepen their connection with their horse and to develop and refine their energy.
Do you ever wish you were more coordinated and connected inside, so that you could realise your potential as a rider?
Would you like to improve your balance and posture?
To increase suppleness and flexibility? To develop your sensitivity and feel?
Would you like to deepen your bond with your horse and experience the freedom of true connection, of being in total sync?

Imagine if when one part of your body moved, you could feel how the energy was being affected in a totally different part – so that you’d know for sure that your energy really was connected.
Imagine being so inwardly stable, centered and aware, that your horse could sense it, and would be drawn to wanting to connect with you?
Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect is an online course designed to help you achieve this.
A little bit about me …

My name is Jenny Pim.
I can help you to learn:-
- Equestrian Tai Chi, so that you can harmonize with the energy of your horse and both benefit from your practice together.
- To connect with your energy, so that you are completely sure of it, it will not be just a vague imagined feeling.
- To make your energy flow in your body when you ride, so that your horse will be able to feel your relaxed energy, all around him or her when you ride.
I’m a certified Tai Chi Instructor registered with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain.
I'm a certified Riding Coach registered with Horse Sport Ireland.
Everything that I teach is based in Taoist Methodology that has practiced for centuries.
I began practicing Tai Chi on horseback by chance really, many years ago (2005).
I had a busy life, with three children, breeding Connemara Ponies and teaching Tai Chi, so to save time, I would prepare for my evening Tai Chi class when I was out riding.

I’ll never forget the very time time that I practiced on horseback. I felt as if I was suspended somewhere between Heaven and Earth. The feeling of practicing Tai Chi when you are sitting on a horse, is very different to the feeling you get, from practicing regular Tai Chi on the ground.
The ponies that I practiced on would become very relaxed, they'd lower their heads and lick and chew. But I realised they were benefitting in other ways as well. They became calmer, and more settled overall, and it felt like there was a deeper connection between us.

When I'd go out to the yard or the field, their eyes would be looking for me. I felt that our relationship had changed, and that now we had something very special and exclusive between us.
I felt that they looked to me as someone who could provide stability for them and that I was someone they could rely on. But I also felt that they looked at me with new eyes – as someone who could meet them on an energetic level, that they could relate to.
Over the years, I developed The Equestrian Tai Chi Form. It includes the energy flows of the regular Tai Chi Form, so that it has the benefits of regular Tai Chi. (When you see people practicing Tai Chi, they are actually practicing a sequence of movements in slow motion, known as The Form.)
Tai Chi and Equestrianism are natural partners:-
- There's even a Horse Stance in regular Tai Chi. If you were sitting on a horse and your horse was taken away from underneath you, you would be in the Horse Stance of Tai Chi.
- Another similarity to Equestrianism is that Tai Chi is always practiced with the knees slightly bent.
- And another is that the back is always straight in Tai Chi, it does not always have to be erect. Again this is similar to Equestrianism (think the Jumping Position).
Equestrian Tai Chi is completely designed for practice on horseback. Practicing Equestrian Tai Chi, while you're actually on your horse, allows your energies to mingle and merge, and for your horse to be fully engaged in it.

You may be thinking now, that you have to be special in some way for this to work ….. that it may not work for you
This is something that I know is true:-
- You are special.
- You are unique, with your own special energy.
- You have an inherent ability to work with energy and to connect with it, if you are shown how.
One of the things that surprised me the most when I began teaching Equestrian Tai Chi, was how horses were affected by the actions of their riders, even from the very first day that the rider practiced.
I would look at the rider practicing the movements, I could see them thinking out the movements as they went along, and I would watch the horse’s head at the same time. I could see it twitching and relaxing, and the horse making tiny movements with his lips, so I knew he was being affected. Horses would show more obvious signs of relaxing as well, licking and chewing, dropping their heads and resting a hind leg.

I have been teaching professionally now since 2002.
Unlike many Tai Chi teachers, who let people become aware of their energy by chance, or never help them become aware of it at all, I focus on helping people recognise their energy from the very beginning. I have developed a system for doing this.
One of the reasons that I need people to know about their energy from the very beginning, is that I often have a mixed class which includes new people and people who have been with me for years. So I need the new people to learn quickly, so that we can all move on together as a class.
I learned from the people that I have taught, how to become quicker and quicker, at helping people to connect with their energy.
For some of the exercises, it is actually easier to feel your energy on horseback. When I realised this I brought things from my Equestrian Tai Chi teaching, into my regular teaching, and vice versa.
Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect is a three part system, where you learn Equestrian Tai Chi, Taoist Breathing For Riding and Connecting with your energy. Here’s what you'll learn:–
Equestrian Tai Chi
Equestrian Tai Chi balances your energy. It improves your flexibility and feel, and improves your posture and balance. Equestrian Tai Chi develops awareness of balance and posture. It helps riders to be in the correct balanced and straight alignment of their bodies. If riders are aware of when they are straight and balanced themselves, it makes it easier for them to tell if your horse is straight.
Practicing Equestrian Tai Chi helps people to recognise and to correct one sidedness. Because Equestrian Tai Chi is practiced on both the right and the left sides equally, people quickly notice, if one side is easier to practice on than another. Regular practice of Equestrian Tai Chi helps to make both sides equally balanced, supple and coordinated.
Equestrian Tai Chi improves suppleness and removes stiffness in the rider’s body. It’s movements gently build muscle tone, and reduce stiffness in the joints, allowing the rider to absorb the horse’s movement.
Equestrian Tai Chi relaxes and promotes the smooth flow of energy through the hips and the pelvic area. Major energy junctions of the body are in the inguinal region in the pelvic area. The inguinal region is known as The Kwa in Chinese. Having a strong Kwa is considered to very important in Tai Chi practice. When the hips are relaxed it makes it easier for the rider to be carried by the movement of the horse.
Equestrian Tai Chi helps to ease pain, and to remove energy blockages from old injuries a rider may have. It guides the energy gently though these areas, bringing energy and healing. If one part of the body doesn’t move because of stiffness, then another area automatically has to compensate, this upsets the natural harmony of the body. Equestrian Tai Chi promotes the even flow of energy throughout the body.
Equestrian Tai Chi improves coordination and helps give riders the ability to separate different muscle groups from each other, so they can perform aids precisely, without involving unnecessary movement in other body parts.
Equestrian Tai Chi helps to develop security and stability in the saddle, and it trains to rider to keep a part of their awareness in their Tantien, which is their main energy centre, located below their navel, towards the centre of their body. Their Tantien is also the location of their centre of gravity.
Equestrian Tai Chi opens and develops the energy pathways in your body. The movements of the sequence of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form are learned step by step, as you move through the Modules.
As you develop your Equestrian Tai Chi practice, day by day, you will find that your energy will become more balanced, and that your horse will start to benefit from your practice as well. Your horse will be able to feel the beautiful flow of energy, that the movements create in you, as you perform them. Your connection will deepen further with your horse, as your practice allows you to meet each other at an energetic level.
Connecting with your energy
Connecting with your energy teaches you how to recognise and connect with your energy, so that you can be sure of it, it will not be a vague, or imagined feeling. As you progress through the 4 Modules, the awareness that you have of your energy, is developed in stages. Regular practice of Equestrian Tai Chi enhances this process and makes it quicker.
Then through the Weekly Challenges, you will learn to open and develop your energy so you can feel it flow inside you, then learn to feel it flow in harmony with the movement of your horse and learn to connect to a space deep inside you, that your horse can tune into and where you can give aids from that your horse can easily understand.
Taoist Breathing for Riding
When you go through the material in the Modules, you will learn how to send energy, where you want to, all through your body, when you are actually riding. This adds a whole new dimension to your’s and your horse’s riding experience, because your horse will feel your relaxed energy moving through your body and it will affect you horse positively as well.
Here is what you will learn as you progress through the Modules –

Module 1
- Important Principles for learning and practicing Equestrian Tai Chi.
- How to establish a good practice routine.
- Information about your Tantien.
- How to connect with your energy.
- How to store your energy.
- Equestrian Tai Chi Warm Up Exercises.
- The first 9 movements of the sequence of Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Taoist Breathing for Riding - 3 Foundation exercises on which all of the other breathing exercises are based.

Module 2
- Connecting with your energy - how to carry energy around
- Movements 10 – 13 of the sequence of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form.
- Taoist Breathing For Riding - 4 exercises where you will learn how to breathe to the parts of the body that are important to riding.

Module 3
- Connecting with your energy - how to feel your energy in your extremities.
- Movements 14 – 16 of the sequence of Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Taoist Breathing For Riding - exercises where you will learn how to breathe to include your etheric field, and how to breathe through your energy channels.

Module 4
- Connecting with your energy - learn how to feel your internal energy, as it moves in waves through your body, according to the actions that you make.
- Movements 17 – 21 of the sequence of Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Advanced Taoist Breathing for Riding exercises that teach you how to breathe though the energy channels of your body. They encourage you to lengthen and to have great posture. These exercises are ideal “default” breathing exercises.
Learn to Connect with your energy
4 Monthly Payments
of US$217 $155
(only $620 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
of US$695 $495
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is what people are saying ...

Through practising Equestrian Tai Chi I have really enjoyed beginning to feel energy flowing in my body as I’m riding.
To begin with I practised some of the movements from the Tai Chi Form, first whilst standing, and then whilst seated on my horse ...with my friend standing at his head to ensure he kept fairly still.....He seemed to become very calm and relaxed in fact!
More recently I’ve been following the exercises to feel energy moving down the outside of my leg and back up the inside of my leg..
I have also been practising trying to feel energy moving from the points in the hands to the energy points in the armpits as I hold the reins....with
It’s really amazing to begin to realise how many ways energy is moving within our body and to begin to get a sense of how the horses movements link our energies together.
It’s a lovely calming experience.
Still lots more to learn, which I’m looking forward to!Carol Nicholas
United Kingdom

Having studied Tai Chi some years ago, ( but let it slip when we got the horses, ) I came across Jenny’s Website, which seemed the perfect way to pick up my study again, and with my horse, even better!,
I was a bit unsure about online learning at first, however I find the course notes and videos very clear and easy to follow, and the ability to replay each segment as many times as you want, is really useful. The choice of slow motion is especially good for learning new moves, with the back up notes to clarify any small moves that may be missed.
Being self employed, this course is good as I can log in at any time, and spend as much time as I like studying, be it only 5 mins or much longer, then take the practice to my horse, and come back to check or learn more, very handy as life can be a bit unpredictable at times.
The weekly challenges are great, and each one is different, these help you to think more deeply about your practice, increase your awareness of energy and posture, and the connection between you and your horse. The feed back from Jenny is always prompt, relevant and encouraging, which gives the human touch, that is so important when learning these skills.
I am really pleased that I signed up for the course, and am sure that Bailey and I are benefiting from Equestrian Tai Chi, we are at the beginning of this road together, and quite excited about where it will take us.
Penny Dickson and Bailey
United Kingdom

I’ve been working with energy for close to 9 years now – equine Bodywork/massage, acupressure, myofascial release, reiki and animal communication. I’ve taken a lot of instruction from a lot of people in a lot of different formats but I must say, your videos and soundcloud recordings are the best I’ve seen/ heard. Clear, concise and complete. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Danna Ash,
United States

I was drawn to T'ai Chi Chu'an quite a few years ago, and as I began to learn, I kept thinking how much the principles had to do with horsemanship. When I saw Jenny Pim's Equestrian Tai Chi course, I thought why not give it a try? I love that it is about being with the horse rather than getting the horse to do something.
How Jenny has organized the course is comprehensive and rather ingenious. I can learn at my own pace, but I don't lose my interest (if my pace slows to a crawl) because there are weekly blogs giving us something new each week to focus on as we learn the form. This keeps me engaged in practicing and interested in other informational nuggets placed in the course along the way. Jenny's is very good at responding to us individually, answering our questions, and giving us encouragement. The best part, of course, is doing this with the horses. I'm not riding at the moment, but I take my practice to my horses and it's fascinating and fun to see them respond and even participate. I continue to learn about my balance and what's going on in my body, and the horses really seem to appreciate and enjoy that.
Karen Sahulka
United States

Funny I always thought it was due to the weight change that guides the horse round – but this has again given me a new insight!!
Today I had a brilliant session on Bronte, using everything that we have been doing. I started with some reins moving round the arena in all directions & practising slowing down too. By the end I had a go with no reins & no leg aids as such – totally in control & what I found really amazing was Bronte came in on a smaller circle(with her head bent to the inside) – it really felt so connected even without reins.
I have always done this exercise but the horse would have the head often pointing out so really fantastic that this can make such a difference!!
Liz Horner,
United Kingdom
Equestrian Tai Chi to connect with your energy
4 Monthly Payments
of US$217 $155
(only $620 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
of US$695 $495
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is everything that is included with
Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect …
The course is fully available online. Once you join the course, you get immediate access to all the four modules. You will have your own username and password to log in and out, whenever you want.
The Course Includes –
- FAQ.
- Glossary.
- Safety Protocols For Practice.
- Important Principles for learning and practicing Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Information about your Tantien.
- How to feel your energy.
- How to store your energy.
- Detailed exercises and instructions of how to Connect With Your Internal Energy.
- Videos of 2 Equestrian Tai Chi warm up Exercises with audio and written instruction.
- Videos of 21 movements of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form performed on the right side.
- Videos of 21 movements of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form performed on the left side. (3 videos are used to teach each movement, so 120 videos for Equestrian Tai Chi in all.)
- The videos include audio instruction, and there is also written instruction for Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Guidelines For Practicing Taoist Breathing For Riding.
- 16 Taoist Breathing For Riding exercises, to help you bring your energy and your breath all through your body as you ride.
As well as having Lifetime Access to all the material in the course itself -
I'm also offering 24 Weeks of Weekly Challenges.
These Challenges will keep you focused and help you to awaken, become aware of and connect with your internal energy. You'll be learning detailed alignments to open your energy up, special Tai Chi insights and special ways of awakening your Internal Energy. You will learn to feel your Chi flow inside you in Harmony with the movement of your horse and you will learn to give energetic aids, that your horse can easily understand.
- You do not have to do the Challenges if you join, they are a Bonus with the course!
If you join Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect in the first 24 hours, I'm offering an Extra Bonus Course 'Taoist Breathing & Awareness for Confident Riding'.
In this course you will get Taoist Breathing Exercises specifically adapted to help you manage fear when riding.
This is what Kim Jensen from Norfolk Island in the South Pacific has to say about the Taoist Breathing & Awareness Course, which is a Bonus, available, if you sign up on Friday or Saturday.
I enrolled in Equestrian Tai Chi Course with Jenny Pim to actually do the instructors course but at the time had a few nervous riders having problems letting go of their fears and lacking confidence in themselves with the mounted riding. So thought this course would also be of benefit. The breathing exercises, and allowing the energy to flow through each body part has been a great benefit to help my students build confidence in themselves.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to have a connection to their horse and enjoy their riding with a true partnership.
I'm also offering another Bonus and this is a course on How to Clear Your Horse's Etheric Field.
Here's what you'll learn in Clear Your Horse's Etheric Field.
The course has three short modules where you'll learn how to clear your horse's etheric field using methods from Taoist energy bodywork. You'll also learn how to distinguish between the different feelings of energy in your horse's energy field.
This is what Deb Leigh Harrip from Australia has to say about what you'll learn in the course ...
As a breeder, horse trainer and riding coach with over 50 years experience with horses, I am very happy to endorse Jenny Pim's course. It’s easy to follow, with help and interaction with Jenny throughout, and the horses I have worked with using Jenny's methods have all shown marked improvements in health and soundness, as well as becoming calmer and developing a better relationship with me.
I believe the methods Jenny uses and teaches are within everyone's capabilities, and have personally recommended the course to several people. I also really enjoyed the breathing techniques and centering, and found that the horses were not the only ones who gained benefits.
Deb Leigh Harrip
There are two options to choose from, when joining Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect
- Pay $495 in full (and receive a 20% discount).
- Pay $155 per month for 4 months ($620 in all). You are obliged to complete the 4 payments of $155, but this does not affect your guarantee.
I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you decide Equestrian Tai Chi - Connect is not for you, that is no problem at all, just send me a video of yourself practicing the material in Module 1 on horseback, within the 30 Day Period, and I will refund your entire purchase.
4 Monthly Payments
of US$217 $155
(only $620 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
of US$695 $495
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course

I hope that by now, you have a good understanding about the course, and what it could mean for you and your horse, if you were to learn the material in it.
Maybe you’re thinking, I’ll take this course later, I’m too busy, it’s too expensive, I don’t need it now, I can look stuff up on my own, or first I need to do some other thing, and then I’ll be ready to do this.
I can promise you, if you take this course and do the lessons and challenges, you will change your energy and your understanding of it forever. And most importantly, your horse will also benefit and your partnership will become closer and more connected.
Equestrian Tai Chi to connect with yourself and with your horse.
4 Monthly Payments
of US$217 $155
(only $620 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
of US$695 $495
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course