Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors

An online course for Instructors to learn Equestrian Tai Chi, and to learn how to teach it to their clients.

How would it feel for your energy to be so smooth and balanced that you horse is drawn to wanting to connect with you?
And for you to be able to balance your energy and your horse's energy and deepen your connection together with a practice that takes just a very short time every day or so, but has lasting effects?
And to be able to communicate to your horse from inside you and give subtle energetic aids that your horse can easily understand.
And to feel your Chi flow in harmony with the movement of your horse when you're riding.
And for you and your horse to be both aware of this connection together, sharing the one awareness that comes from a deeper place inside you than your ordinary thinking mind.
You can learn to use and develop something that you already have to achieve this, and that is your internal energy or Chi.
Not only can you learn this yourself, but you can learn to teach others this as well, in Equestrian Tai Chi & Chi Connected Riding for Instructors.
There are two options for joining Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors:-
Level 1 OR Level 2
Level 1 is for people who teach riding who would like to learn a good foundation in the Equestrian Tai Chi exercises and to learn about Alignments.
Level 2 is for people who teach riding who would like to learn a good foundation in Equestrian Tai Chi and who also want to learn about developing their energy, learning to feel Chi flow riding and how to give energetic aids to their horse, to communicate and connect with our horse through our energy.
Here is what you will learn in the Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors Level 1 course.
You'll learn Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises and the First part of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form (the second part of the Equestrian Tai Chi Form is learned in Level 2).
The Equestrian Tai Chi Form is a sequence of movements performed in a flowing manner, while the Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises are single movements, that are repeated multiple times, they are generally symmetrical and are easy to learn. You will learn The Equestrian Tai Chi Form both on the right side and the left sides. The training videos are shown in mirror image to make it easier for you to follow along with them.
As well as this there is Weekly Training in the Challenge Forum where you will receive a new alignment or internal connection to practice each week, or a new focus on practicing a particular exercise.
As well as this you will be given a weekly exercise to practice in the walk on horseback. This is to reflect on your practice and to begin to see how you can bring your practice of Equestrian Tai Chi and its associated exercises into your riding.
To be eligible for certification you will need to send videos of yourself practicing Equestrian Tai Chi on horseback.
Six videos should be sent in, but depending on how you get on, you may be asked to review parts of your practice, and send in a further video. This is all part of learning and training and it is to help you! It is ideal to send in a video every two weeks! Once I receive your video, we can arrange a Zoom call, where I'll offer feedback on your video and suggestions to help you. You can also ask questions in the call.
If at the end of your videos series, you demonstrate that you have practiced sufficiently to have enough skill and a good understanding of Equestrian Tai Chi, you will be Certified By Distance as an Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor Level 1, and will receive a Certificate to indicate this. This certificate will remain valid for two years, after which you will be required to submit another video of yourself practicing, in order to keep your certification up to date. It will be required to re-certify every two years.
An important part of being an Equestrian Tai Chi instructor is that you learn about alignments and developing your Chi in our weekly online Challenges.
To help learn the material in the course, you’re given a weekly Challenge with just a few things to learn each week, so it is step by step. Then you’re asked to write a short description of your practice in the Forum on three separate days!
For the Written Work for the course, you'll be asked to answer a short open book Questionnaire and to write a Lesson Plan and Review.
The time it would take to take part in this course each week is about an hour four or five times a week. This will give you time to watch the videos, learn the exercises and practice them on horseback and write about your practice in the challenge Forum! There might seem like a lot of things to learn, but all of the videos and lessons are short.
What do we learn in Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors?
First of all we learn the Equestrian Tai Chi Form.
The Form is a sequence of individual movements put together in a flowing manner.
Each movement has a Yin aspect and a Yang aspect so it’s naturally balancing for our physical body and for the different layers of our energy.
The different movements of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form have energetic and health benefits, and they also have Martial Art aspects that give it Power and presence.
The Form benefits both us and our horse.
When we practice the Form on our horse, we generate an energy field and within that field we balance our energy and our horses energy together bringing them together in harmony.
Horses react positively to Equestrian Tai Chi practice, they become calm and relaxed, and this relaxation also transfers into the riding experience.
As well as the Equestrian Tai Chi Form, we learn about our body alignments.
Our alignments are important as they make sure that we’re not unintentionally blocking our Chi or allowing it to dissipate.
Tai Chi and Equestrianism have a lot in common and share many of the same principles.
We learn to bring aspects of our Equestrian Tai Chi practice into our riding experience.
In Level 2 or the second part of the course, as well as learning the movements of Form and the alignments and principles many are useful for riding, we learn to activate the Energetic Grid that powers us.
Gradually as our consciousness of this develops and our awareness increases we learn to use this energy system to communicate and connect with our horse.
Our horse is aware of our energy as it comes alive and awakens inside us.
As our ability develops, we learn to connect with our horse in specific ways through our energy system.
Horses are able to sense energy, they have a very subtle perception of it, so they're able to take direction from it.
We can give energetic aids to our horse.
As well as this, as our energy opens and develops, we learn to feel our Chi flow in harmony with our horse as it moves through the different points, channels and centres of energetic system.
The subtly of the connection we can experience with our horse is sublime.
We learn to feel the dynamic interconnected energetic flow we’re in with our horse, it’s not just a vague notion. We come to learn to feel this, in a tangible, concrete way.
Here is what you will learn as you progress through the Modules –

Month 1
- When you join the course, you will have all the Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises and Equestrian Tai Chi Movements that we'll be learning in the course, but each week we learn them bit by bit and then you can send a video of yourself practicing these, every second week. You'll have two private Zoom calls with me where I'll offer feedback and suggestions for your practice.
- You'll learn about your Internal Alignments that make it possible for your Chi to flow smoothly.
- You'll learn how we breathe in Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Weekly training in the Challenge Forum where you'll be invited to write a log of your practice 3 times a week.

Month 2
- You'll continue learning the Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises and Equestrian Tai Chi Movements, and you can send a video of yourself practicing these, every second week. Again this month, you'll have two private Zoom calls with me where I'll offer feedback and suggestions for your practice and where you can ask questions.
- You'll learn about your Internal Connections and how to feel for real in your body, how we're connected internally inside.
- You'll learn how to breathe to different parts of your body, that will help to deepen your awareness of your internal energy/Chi.
- Again, weekly training in the Challenge Forum where you'll be invited to write a log of your practice 3 times a week.

Month 3
- Again in Month 3, you'll continue learning the Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises and Equestrian Tai Chi Movements, and you can send a video of yourself practicing these, every second week. Again this month, you'll have two private Zoom calls with me where I'll offer feedback and suggestions for your practice and where you can ask questions!
- You'll begin to learn about Chi flow and to feel it for real in your body. (This is further developed in Level 2) You'll also learn how we can unintentionally block Chi flow in our body and how to know if your head is the correct alignment for Chi flow.
- You'll continue to learn how to breathe to different parts of your body, that will help to deepen your awareness of your internal energy/Chi.
- Again, weekly training in the Challenge Forum where you'll be invited to write a log of your practice 3 times a week.
- You'll be asked to prepare and give a short Equestrian Tai Chi lesson to a friend or family member and to write a review of it.

The Second Section of the course contains:-
- Movements 17 – 21 of the sequence of Equestrian Tai Chi performed both on the right and left sides.
- 12 Weekly Lesson Plans for teaching The Form on the Right Side only.
- 6 Months Energy Coaching in Chi Connected Riding
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors Level 1 - Certification Course
4 Monthly Payments
US$215 $183
(Only $732 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$687 $587
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors - Level 2 Certification Course With Energy Coaching in Chi Connected Riding
4 Monthly Payments
US$279 $239
(Only $956 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$895 $765
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
Lisa Scott in Co. Durham, United Kingdom is a Certified Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor

Giving directional aids through your energy syncs with the horse so beautifully ...
I Joined Equestrian Tai Chi in March 2016 after looking at options to add to my current instructor Qualifications!
I was given lots of material by the founder Jenny Pim in the benefits to both horse and rider in Tai Chi and decided to start the instructors Certification course.
Having never done Tai Chi or anything similar before I wasn't sure how I would pick it up.
I need not have been concerned the modules are easy to follow with both written and video tuition on how to perform both the Equestrian Chi Gung and Equestrian Tai Chi. It's a full step by step guide of what to do!
The horses really look forward to the break within the lesson to practice and I've witnessed for myself with several horses how calm, relaxed and generally happier they seem.
I am so pleased I decided to do the course and am thoroughly enjoying every moment of it. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this course. It most certainly has a place in the equine world!
Jenny has been amazing and has been available for any questions I have, and has given me very thorough and positive feedback in my video analysis.
I’m now teaching my own clients and they've found it easy to follow too. Both they and I are very much enjoying the practice and I have noticed a big difference in my clients confidence and positivity when riding!
I've been participating in the weekly challenges for Chi Connected riding which vary week by week with new fun challenges, one of the latest being the riders energy through turns/corners. Giving directional aids through your energy syncs with the horse so beautifully and allows us to focus without effort giving very small subtle aids just by being aware, it has helped enormously with symmetry issues for both horse and rider. The connection you feel with your horse when you practice is amazing, I look forward every Week to my practice to further improve my riding and deepen the connection with the horses I ride and care for.
Claire Oestreich in Pennsylvania, United States is a Certified Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor

Hi! My name is Claire Oestreich, and I'm from Southeastern Pennsylvania. I am a life-long lover of horses and happy to be around them in whatever way was possible.
I started my journey of learning with the Delaware County 4-H horse club, where I began riding at the age of 10. I quickly found that I wanted my career path to involve horses, and I took many opportunities in my college years at Lake Erie College to pursue this dream, such as riding in both English and Western disciplines. In my time there, I found that my true passion was in teaching therapeutic riding.
I became a Registered Level PATH Instructor in 2012, now transitioned to the CTRI, and soon after began my career with Special Equestrians in Warrington, PA. With the plan of expanding our center's programs, I came across Equestrian Tai-Chi. With my background in martial arts (over 20 years of training in Tae Kwon Do), I was eager to participate in something that combined my two passions. As I went through my training and practice, I was so pleased to find that the horses were enjoying the sessions as much as I was!
I am excited to continue this journey of learning with the horses, and I look forward to working with those who are interested in joining me!
I thoroughly enjoyed my training for Equestrian Tai-Chi with Jenny! She was able to answer all of my questions easily and in a timely fashion. She was very hands on throughout the course, something that I hadn't been expecting in the online format. All of the material was well paced and walked me through the steps to feeling comfortable and confident in myself and in my practice of tai-chi, which I had no previous experience in! Looking forward to continuing my training with Jenny in the near future!
Claire Oestreich
Liz Horner in Yorkshire, United Kingdom is a Certified Instructor

Funny I always thought it was due to the weight change that guides the horse round – but this has again given me a new insight!!
Today I had a brilliant session on Bronte, using everything that we have been doing. I started with some reins moving round the arena in all directions & practising slowing down too. By the end I had a go with no reins & no leg aids as such – totally in control & what I found really amazing was Bronte came in on a smaller circle(with her head bent to the inside) – it really felt so connected even without reins.
I have always done this exercise but the horse would have the head often pointing out so really fantastic that this can make such a difference!!
Liz Horner,
United Kingdom
Beth Lauren Parrish in Georgia, United States is a Certified Instructor

The Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor Certification Course far surpassed my expectations. As an instructor for over 20 years, I’m always grateful to find more modalities to incorporate with my lessons, which help my students and horses connect in more profound ways, physically and energetically.
Learning Equestrian Tai Chi has certainly created a beautiful flow for my students and they get instant biofeedback from feeling their horses relax and enjoy the rides more!
When I practice for my rides, I’ve found that I am more present, relaxed, and aware of how my energy can assist my pony throughout our dance.
The course itself is thoughtfully presented. The videos and audios are easy to follow along, enhanced by Jenny’s calm and beautiful voice.
The weekly challenges set you up for success, as you feel more motivated to put into practice what you’re learning right away. This helps you feel like you’re constantly having little wins, as you slowly and steadily learn the different movements and theory behind them.
I especially loved the private Zoom meetings to be sure I was on the right track.Being able to have this certification opens more exciting power tools to play with for my students in person and remotely.
Thank you so much for creating this course, Jenny! I look forward to many more wonderful lessons and continuing on to learn more from you as well.
May the horse be with you. Always.
-Beth Lauren Parrish with Inspired Riding
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors - Level 1 Certification Course
4 Monthly Payments
US$215 $183
(Only $732 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$687 $587
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors - Level 1 Certification Course With Energy Coaching in Chi Connected Riding
4 Monthly Payments
US$279 $239
(Only $956 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$895 $765
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
This is everything that is included with
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors - Certification Course
The course is fully available online. You will have your own username and password to log in and out, whenever you want.
The Course Includes –
- FAQ.
- Glossary.
- Safety Protocols For Your Practice.
- Important Principles for learning and practicing Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Videos of 6 Equestrian Chi Gung Exercises with audio and written instruction.
- Videos of 11 movements of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form performed on the right side.
- Videos of 11 movements of The Equestrian Tai Chi Form performed on the left side. (3 videos are used to teach each movement.)
- The videos include audio instruction, and there is also written instruction for Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Safety Protocols For Teaching.
- Guidelines of how to teach the important Principles for Equestrian Tai Chi.
- Guidelines for creating Equestrian Tai Chi lessons.
- 12 Weekly Lesson Plans, to guide you through your first 3 months teaching.
- Weekly training in the Challenge Forum where you will receive a new alignment or internal connection to practice each week, or a new focus on practicing a particular exercise.
- Six private Zoom Calls with me, where I offer feedback on your practice and suggestions to help you.
You have lifetime access to the course and can refer to it at anytime.

I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you decide Equestrian Tai Chi for Riding Instructors is not for you, that is not problem at all, just send me a video of yourself practicing the movements in Module 1 on horseback, within the 30 day period and I will happily refund your money.

Equestrian Tai Chi For Instructors -Level 1 Certification Course
4 Monthly Payments
US$215 $183
(Only $732 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$687 $587
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
Equestrian Tai Chi for Instructors Level 2 Certification Course With Energy Coaching in Chi Connected Riding
4 Monthly Payments
US$279 $239
(Only $956 total)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
1 Single Payment
US$895 $765
Get a 20% Discount
for paying in full
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course