Introducing The Online Training
'How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding' with Jenny Pim

For Riders who would like to be able to manage their emotions riding & keep their horse calm too!

My name is Jenny Pim, I'm a Certified Tai Chi Instructor registered with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain and a Certified Riding Coach registered with Horse Sport Ireland.
My passion is to bring what I learn from Tai Chi and Taoist Arts to help riders to develop and enhance their relationships with their horses.
Many riders feel fearful and anxious riding and I've developed a way of helping riders, to become calmer and more relaxed and to let go of their fear riding.
Horses respond and resonate with this way too, it makes for a happy united partnership.
As we develop our ability to let go of the fear that binds us and to manage how we feel, and as our confidence in this ability grows, riding becomes a thing to be looked forward to - not constantly worried about!
The exercises in How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding have many health benefits.
Though the course is mainly focussed on riding, the breathing and meditation exercises can be applied in any circumstances.
The Equestrian Tai Chi exercises help to keep our immune system strong and to keep our nervous system relaxed, and to keep the muscles in our upper back supple and active.
Plus you are not alone in this training, even if you're not able to go out right now, you can take this training in your own home and still participate in our Challenge Forum!
This can be a time for your's and your horse's partnership to grow and to get to know deeper aspects of each other, while practicing health giving exercises, that work on Physical, Energetic, Emotional and Mental Levels.
Looking after ourselves, getting fresh air, practicing breathing exercises to keep our diaphragm moving and Chi exercise to keep our immune system strong and to keep our nervous system relaxed are all so useful.
These help us be stay positive so we’re more motivated to take care of ourselves, this is important not only for us, but for others as well.
And doing this with our horses we are very lucky!
Our horses are very sensitive to us –
We can't hide how we feel from our horse.
Horses are very sensitive to energy to the energy in our physical body, to our internal Chi, to the energy of our emotions and to the energy of our thoughts.
Our horses can feel inside our body, they respond to the Chi in our body.
We affect our horse by how we feel and our horse affects us by how he/she feels. We affect each other with the energy of our thoughts and emotions.
One of the things that can make us scared riding is if our horse is afraid.
But we could be making our horse afraid because we're afraid!
As you know horses are herd animals, it is inherent in them to be able to feel how others are around them, so that they can quickly act on this feeling if they need to.
So if we're afraid, our horse might feel it's a good idea for him to be too!
This is why it's so important for us to learn to be balanced and calm most of the time and to learn how to manage our fear and anxiety should it arise when we're riding.
Blocked energy in our energy field can influence how we feel -
What can drive our emotions and thoughts without us realising are the memories of past times that we're holding in our energy field.
Taoists believe that we are 90% controlled by blocked energy in our energy bodies and that unless we can release it we continue to be controlled by it.
Every time something happens, it will add to and compound the memories of fearful incidences that we're already holding in our field, making it harder and harder all the time for us to be able to manage your fear.
These are affecting us not just when we ride, but in a subliminal way at other times too.
In 'How to Manage your Mindset & Emotions Riding' you can learn to manage how you feel riding, and to let go of the blocked energy that may be hampering your progress.
Here's what you will learn –
- You'll learn breathing and Chi exercises that will help you to feel calmer, more relaxed and more coherent inside. When we've had turbulent emotions it brings the different layers of our energy field out of balance, where one is more dominant than the other. To feel calm we need to bring our energies together in an integrated way, so we feel harmonious and whole. This is the ideal way to be for your horse to be drawn to wanting to connect with you.
- You'll learn how to manage the Chi of your body when you're riding, so you can feel calm and relaxed and you'll also learn how to cope with the energy of fear should you become afraid.
- You'll learn to find and to let go of the blocked energy inside you that's causing you to be more fearful than you should be. This way your fear will become less and less triggered when you are in certain situations and as you learn to manage how you feel with the breathing and chi exercises, you'll be able to cope so much more easily.
When we can manage ourselves like this, it gives us so much confidence in ourselves and our own ability to help ourselves.
This will help our horse to feel more confident too and we can build a happy harmonious partnership together!
Here's what you will receive –
As soon as you join, you'll be sent an email with a link to our training website with your login details. When you login you'll see the first Module with the chi exercises and breathing exercises and the letting go of blocked energy training. You'll be asked to introduce yourself in the Forum and to watch the video about how to energy the Challenges! The Challenges are how we learn!
Every fortnight, you'll receive receive a new Module with new material/exercises to learn and you'll be invited to take part in a new Challenge!
You'll learn the material in the Module and then practice it and come and report in the Challenge Forum about how you're getting on! You'll receive feedback and encouragement with your practice.
This way of learning has been proved to be 68% more effective than just learning in an online course! And the best part is that it is fun!
If this appeals to you and you think it could help you, I'd love to invite you to get started in 'How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding' with a one month trial period for
Only US $30
This will give you an idea if the training helps you and if you and your horse enjoy it.
If you wish to continue with the rest of the training (10 Modules), it will cost a further 11 monthly payments of $30, after which you will have lifetime access to the training with all the videos and content.
There is no obligation to continue with the rest of the training after the first month.
Just write to me before the first month is up and I will cancel these further payments for you.
How To Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding
1 Single Payment
US $290
(getting a 20% discount for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you decide 'How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding' is not for you, that is no problem at all, just send me a video of yourself practicing a few of the exercises, within the 30 Day Period, and I will refund your purchase.

I have just got off Belle & had a wonderful time with her – she is the one that has always been fully charged & go, go, go! I really concentrated on my breathing for riding exercises today as well as ensuring I stayed grounded – She stayed calm & I think she ‘listened’ or perhaps responded to me by staying calm, focused & balanced herself even in canter. She never ran through the bridle (which she used to do). Even after the session back in the stable I have never known her be so calm & look so happy as she did today!
Elizabeth H.
United Kingdom