Introducing The Interactive Online Training
'How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding'
Click below to see a tour inside the course
For Riders who would like to be less anxious riding, and keep themselves and their horse calm!
Your horse can feel inside you, he can sense the energy of your emotions and if you're anxious, he'll pick up on it and you'll make him anxious too!
When you learn to calm your emotions with the exercises in this course, your horse can sense the calming affect of them in your body and in your energy, and they will calm your horse as well.
As well as this, you'll become less prone to becoming fearful, as your Nervous System becomes more relaxed and as you let go of the bound energy that is driving your emotions.
Your horse will be able to sense this stability and calmness in you and will feel safer and be more trusting with you!
It leads to a happy harmonious partnership that is fun and satisfying for both of you!
Most of the material in the course is designed to be practiced on horseback, though you can practice on the ground beside your horse in the beginning and/or as you move through the course!
A little bit about me...
My name is Jenny Pim, I'm the Founder and Creator of Equestrian Tai Chi, which is Tai Chi that I developed for performance on horseback and a transformational way of connecting in harmony with your horse.

I'm a Certified Tai Chi Instructor registered with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain and a Certified Riding Coach registered with Horse Sport Ireland.
My passion is to bring what I learn from Tai Chi and Taoist Arts to help riders to develop and enhance their relationships with their horses, whether it be riding or in their ordinary day to day connections with them. To help them to become physically and energetically balanced and aware, and emotionally and mentally balanced, so they can enjoy their time riding and so their horse can too!
In 'How to Manage your Mindset & Emotions Riding' you'll learn to use your body, your energy and your breath, to manage your emotions, so you can focus on your riding and doing whatever it is you want to do!

Here’s what you will learn –
You'll learn Breathing and Chi exercises that will help you to feel calmer, more relaxed and more coherent inside.
When we've had turbulent emotions it brings the different layers of our energy field out of balance, where one is more dominant than the other.
To feel calm we need to bring our energies together in an integrated way, so we feel harmonious and whole. This is the ideal way to be for your horse to be drawn to wanting to connect with you.
You'll learn how to manage the Chi of your body when you're riding, so you can feel calm and relaxed and you'll also learn how to cope with the energy of fear should you become afraid.
You'll learn to find and to let go of the bound energy inside you that's causing you to be more fearful than you should be. This way your fear will become less and less triggered when you are in certain situations and as you learn to manage how you feel with the breathing and chi exercises, you'll be able to cope so much more easily.
When we can manage ourselves like this, it gives us so much confidence in ourselves and our own ability to help ourselves.
This will help our horse to feel more confident too and we can build a happy harmonious partnership together!
Please look at this video where I share about the training in the Course How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding.
Here's how the Interactive Training How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding works! –

When you join, you'll get a set of Equestrian Chi Gung and Equestrian Tai Chi Exercises to practice and a set of breathing exercises.
Then every week, you'll a new Challenge with new material to learn and you'll be invited to take part in the Challenge Forum!
You'll learn the material for that week, and then practice and come and report in the Challenge Forum about how you're getting on! You'll receive feedback and encouragement with your practice.
How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding is an eight week course.
Join the course 'How To Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding'
1 Single Payment
US $227
(getting a 20% discount for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
I have just got off Belle & had a wonderful time with her – she is the one that has always been fully charged & go, go, go! I really concentrated on my breathing for riding exercises today as well as ensuring I stayed grounded – She stayed calm & I think she ‘listened’ or perhaps responded to me by staying calm, focused & balanced herself even in canter. She never ran through the bridle (which she used to do).
Even after the session back in the stable I have never known her be so calm & look so happy as she did today!
Elizabeth H.
United Kingdom
My horse Baylee an Irish cob mare is mostly quiet and well behaved, but she is strong and gets a bit fresh and jumpy when I hack out on her. I used to feel myself tensing up and was always expecting the worst, which made Baylee even more jumpy as I was transferring my nervousness to her. In the end riding my horse became something I ended up trying to avoid.
Since following Jenny's programme, I have found so much benefit, as I am once again enjoying riding my horse! I am now much calmer and feel more relaxed and in control when I am riding. Baylee is also benefitting and has become a lot steadier and much less jumpy when we hack out. She enjoys me practicing the Tai Chi exercises on her and it has definitely strengthened out bond.
Sarah W.
I have been greatly enjoying the Manage Mindset and Emotions Course.
The Taoist Breathing exercises are very soothing and relaxing and help to give me much better body awareness. The exercises to remove blockages are very helpful as I am inclined to hold a lot of tensions in my body. Jenny puts the exercises together in a way that helps to relate together all the various parts of the Taoist philosophy and practice, including Tai Chi and Chi Gung exercises and is very supportive. Overall the course helps me achieve greater calmness with my horses and in day to day life.
Carol N.
United Kingdom
When practising the challenges within the mindset course I have been able to focus energy for calm and relaxation, the horses I work with have benefited hugely and it keeps them calm and very trusting too.
The variety of exercises are great fun to practice and really help me to tune into my own energy. The horses really appreciate the practice and are all so pleased to see me when I arrive!!
Lisa S.
United Kingdom
This is what people are saying ...
Join the course 'How To Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding'
1 Single Payment
US $227
(getting a 20% discount for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course
There are two options to choose from, when joining How to Manage your Mindset & Emotions Riding: –
- Pay $95 per month for 3 months ($285 in all).You are obliged to complete the 3 payments of $95, but this does not affect your 30 Day Money Back Guarantee in any way.
- Pay $227 in full (and receive a 20% discount).
I offer a Conditional 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you decide 'How to Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding' is not for you, that is no problem at all, just send me a video of yourself practicing a few of the exercises, within the 30 Day Period, and I will refund your entire purchase.
Join the course 'How To Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding'
1 Single Payment
US $227
(getting a 20% discount for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course

Maybe you have tried other things to get over your fear and they haven’t worked, maybe you’ve given up hope, that you'll ever be able to get over your fear, maybe you think you'll do it sometime soon, or even next year. Maybe you think that you've tried everything.
But here’s the thing, you haven’t tried tried this.
If you begin now, you could actually start to enjoy your riding, to even look forward to it.
Imagine only missing your ride, if you really had to, instead of being glad of any old excuse not to go riding?
Horses feel so much happier with us when we're not afraid, they can relax too, and connect and enjoy the special time they have with us.
Join the course 'How To Manage Your Mindset & Emotions Riding'
1 Single Payment
US $227
(getting a 20% discount for paying in full)
Gives You Lifetime Access To The Course