Hi there,
I put two exercises are on this page for you to try out and practice.
- The first exercise is Bring Down The Heavens. It is great for relaxing your body and getting your Chi to flow.
- The second exercise is Breathing to your abdomen. It is the Foundation Exercise for Taoist Breathing For Riding.
I hope you enjoy these exercises and find them useful. Please read the Safety Protocols For Your Practice in the link on the bottom of the page before you begin.
If you have any questions, just reply to my email. Enjoy your practice, and I’d love to know how you get on!
– Jenny
Bring Down The Heavens
Begin by putting the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just above where your gums join your teeth, and then start from the following position.
- Your hands rest palms down on your thighs, with your fingertips pointing naturally downwards.
- Turn both hands so they are palm up.
- Lift them out to the sides and extend them upwards in a big arc.
- Bring them up to above head height, being careful not to lift your shoulders.
- Then turn your hands, so the palms face downwards, with the fingertips pointing towards each other. Then bring them down the front of your body, either side of your centre
- When you reach full extension at the bottom, turn your hands so they are palm up again.
- Repeat 3 – 6 and continue for a few minutes until you feel calm and relaxed.
At the end of your practice, store your energy in your Lower Tantien, by placing both hands over the location of your Lower Tantien for a short while. Your Lower Tantien is located a couple of inches below your navel, towards the centre of your body.
Breathing To Your Abdomen
- Begin in the Wu Ji position, either standing or sitting.
- Let the tip of your tongue rest on the roof of your mouth just above where your gums join your teeth. This allows and important energy circuit to complete in your body.
- Relax the root of your tongue, relax the muscles in your face.
- Let all the tension of your body disappear.
- Breathe naturally, without strain, in and out through your nostrils.
- Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, keeping your shoulders down.
- As you inhale your lungs fill with air, your diaphragm lowers and your abdominal muscles expand.
- Allow the movement of your abdomen move the hand that is resting on it.
- The hand on your chest makes sure that your chest stays relaxed, it is not to force it to keep still.
- As you exhale your abdomen returns to its starting position.
- Continue to breathe quietly and naturally like this for a few minutes.
- When you breathe like this, it has the effect of massaging and toning your organs, and giving them a workout, in the same way that exercise gives your body a workout. Most of our organs are attached to our diaphragm, so its movement affects them directly.According to Traditional Chinese Medicine our organs are directly linked to our emotions and exercising them like this has the effect of balancing our emotions.Practice breathing in this way for a little while until you feel calm and peaceful.