Chi is the life force energy of all beings.
Just like us, our horse has Chi flowing in his body. It circulates in channels deep inside his body, as well as in the meridians nearer the surface of his body.
Chi also moves in the energy field that surrounds the horse’s body, his etheric field.
Chi constantly circulates between the horse’s physical body and his etheric field and back again.
The health of the horse’s etheric field affects his physical body and vice versa, they’re very closely linked. Each one is affected by the other.
The etheric field is the energetic interface between the horse’s body and the rest of the world. It acts like a filter to protect our horse from outside forces coming in.
If our horse’s etheric field is vibrant and clear, he’ll feel secure and protected, comfortable in his own skin and he’ll have the confidence to express the special uniqueness he brings to the world.
The horse’s etheric field is very sensitive. When people and other horses are standing close to him, they’re actually standing in his energy, although the energy is not actually inside his body, it’s in his etheric field. The horse is able to sense how other people and horses are, as their energy mixes with his energy, in his etheric field.
The horse also has other external energy fields that exist both inside his physical body and surround him, such as those made up of his emotional and mental energies. According to Taoists all beings have these energy bodies or fields, including The Earth itself.
Our horse’s etheric field normally heals naturally with the sun, the moon, the wind and the rain, but if things haven’t been going well for our horse, it’s harder for it to be vibrant and clear.
I developed a course for horse lovers, healers and body workers, where they can learn to clear the horse’s Etheric Field.
In the course, you learn to clear the energy in the Etheric Field using three different techniques, you also learn to remove blockages, you learn to work with the etheric field inside and outside of the body.
If you’d like some information about the course, please click the link below, the next course is beginning on 2nd November.
How To Clear The Horse’s Etheric Field