Reducing our filters helps us to be in the moment with our horse.
Being in the moment with your horse happens when what is everlasting in you, connects with what is everlasting in your horse.
Your body is not everlasting, neither are your thoughts or your emotions. Neither are your horse’s body, thoughts or emotions.
You can’t force being in the moment it’s something that just happens.
But one thing we can do to help is to reduce the layers of filters we have.
Filters can be identities we create for ourselves or the ego.
Sometimes we unconsciously create identities for ourselves. We may already have these in place and not realise it.
These identities create a sense of separation between us and our horse.
In Taoist thought, a feeling of ‘them’ and ‘us’ is created when we categorise ourselves with identities and this is what causes the separation. People can live in harmony with each other without the need to categorise. This categorisation begins with the self.
Another thing that creates a layer around us is the ego, with a strong sense of ‘I’.
The ego creates expectation, it creates fear of failure, and a sense of urgency. If we can reduce the sense of ‘I’ we can relax into the moment.
The aim of Taoist life is to live in harmony with the world, so what is everlasting inside of us can connect with what is everlasting inside not only other people, but also birds and animals and Nature itself, because it too is alive.
Connection at this level creates a strong bond that transcends time and place.
In a way too, this connection is everlasting, because it happens at a level that is everlasting.
So a way of being in the moment with our horse, is to loose the filters such the identities we create for ourselves and letting go of the sense of ’I’.
Without filters, there is no feeling of separation, there’s no I and the horse. There is unity.
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