1. the big promise.
2. Before after bridge.
3. your creation story.
Step 5: Show Them Why You (and Your Business).
Step 3: Your Creation Story
So, what is the “Your Creation Story?”
And how do you create it?
You need to explain why you do what you do. Why you believe what you
believe. And, the goal is to show people why they don’t need to be
skeptical of you.
If you can incorporate the reason why people are skeptical of your
business – which you should have discovered back in Module 1 – that’s
even better.
I’m Derek Halpern, and I show people how to leverage insights from
proven psychological studies to get ahead in business and life. I’m
not a PHD, and I don’t conduct research, but what I do specialize in,
is taking the great research from people much more qualified than
me… and figuring out how to apply it to the real world.
A lot is going on here too. I knew my skeptics didn’t trust me without a
PHD. I also knew, people skeptical about research often say, “Well, that’s
the laboratory… that’s not the real world.” And I show people how it works.
Remember, this is Your Creation Story. The big point here, is to make sure
people know why you do what you do and why they can trust you.
So, what exactly should YOU write?
The focus here needs to be on you, your business, and your product.
You’re not pitching your product though. You’re instead, showing people
why you do what you do and why they can trust you.
So, in your story, you may want to address skepticism. You may also want
to share what makes you credible to do what you do.
And you don’t need a degree. But if people expect you to have one, you
better explain why you don’t have one – like I did with my intro.
Additionally, you might notice something else going on here.
When you’re creating your creation story, this could be the “back story”
behind “The Hook,” which you created earlier in this course.
What structure should this story follow? I’d use something like this to get
you started writing. But again, don’t use this WORD FOR WORD. Use it to
start getting word
1. Introduce Yourself
2. Reiterate the big promise
3. Address skepticism (show them why they may be skeptical, and then
show them why they shouldn’t be skeptical).
4. Talk about how you achieved the benefit for yourself, your client, or
someone else (this shows people that you’re walking the walk).
All in all, make sure this is weaved into your personal story. You’re not
bragging, you’re showing people why they can trust you.
Step 4: Reasons Why Not
How can you confront this with tact and grace?
You need to give people legitimate reasons why they don’t currently have
what you’re telling them they can have. You need to tell them why they are
in the “before” world as opposed to the “after” world.
“The 7 Mistakes People Make When Meeting New People”
The whole point?
To give reasons why my prospects are where they are. This proves that I
understand who I’m talking to, while also showing them I understand the
problem more than they previously thought I did.
Plus, it gives people a reason why things aren’t their fault. They haven’t
crossed the gap because they didn’t know these things that you’re now
showing them.
One warning though: you’re not going to show people how to do it. you’re
showing them “why” they haven’t done it yet.
Step 5: Show Them Why You (and Your Business).
By now you’re noticing the careful dance that’s going back and forth with
you and your prospect. They have reasons why not, you have reasons why.
Once you show them why they are where they are, the natural reaction is
to want to change it. Your product or service will help them change it…
…but before they’re ready to commit, they may be delusional about the
extent of their problem. And it’s up to you to fix that for them.
You’ll need to reiterate why you’re the person (or company) people should
work with. And you’ll need to address what I call “universal sales
Let’s focus on ‘why you.’
Step 6: Take Them On A Product / Service Tour
Now that we’ve firmly worked towards eliminating The Indifferents, The
Skeptics, and The Worriers, it’s time to make people want what you’ve
got… right now.
And the best way to kick off that process is to take your prospects on a
Product / Service Tour. The goal? To show them why what you’re selling is
Step 7: Showcase Happy Customers
When you’re selling, it’s a careful balance between “OMG YOU CAN HELP
Step 8: Make Your Irresistible Offer
Your Irresistible offer has a few main parts:
Its the MAIN offer of what you’re selling. It also should include the bonuses
they’ll get.
The goal?
To make buying your product or service an absolute no brainer.
Here’s how it usually works:
1. You just went through your product tour, and showcased testimonials.
2. Now it’s time to show them that they’re getting everything you already
showed them… plus some bonuses.
The reason why you want to offer bonuses is because it entices people to
act now.
Step 9: Reverse All Risk
This part is sort of self explanatory. You’ve seen this before, and you’ve
likely used them yourself.
When you’re asking people to part with their hard earned money, you need
to offer some kind of guarantee. A guarantee where you promise to deliver
what you said you’d deliver… or people could get their money back.
You could do a 15 day guarantee. 30 day. 60 day. Whatever works for your
business and goals.