Chi is the life force energy of all beings.
Just like us, our horse has Chi flowing in his body. It circulates in channels deep inside his body, as well as in the meridians nearer the surface of his body.
The primary ways that Chi moves through the horse’s body are through his nervous system and through the fluids of his body, including his blood, his lymphatic fluids, his synovial fluids and his cerebrospinal fluid. His Chi also moves through his fascia and his ligaments and tendons.
Chi also moves in the energy field that surrounds the horse’s body, his etheric field. The energy inside the horse’s body is what creates his etheric field.
The etheric field exists inside the horse’s physical body and emanates out from it anywhere from a couple of inches to more than several feet depending on the health and strength of the horse.
The energy that is in the horse’s etheric field is the same energy that is inside his physical body, that runs his physical body. Chi constantly circulates between the horse’s physical body and his etheric field and back again.
The health of the horse’s etheric field affects his physical body and vice versa, they’re very closely linked. Each one is affected by the other.
The etheric field is the energetic interface between the horse’s body and the rest of the world. It acts like a filter to protect our horse from outside forces coming in.
If our horse’s etheric field is vibrant and clear, he’ll feel secure and protected, comfortable in his own skin and he’ll have the confidence to express the special uniqueness he brings to the world.
The horse’s etheric field is very sensitive. When people and other horses are standing close to him, they’re actually standing in his energy, although the energy is not actually inside his body, it’s in his etheric field. The horse is able to sense how other people and horses are, as their energy mixes with his energy, in his etheric field.
The horse also has other external energy fields that exist both inside his physical body and surround him, such as those made up of his emotional and mental energies. According to Taoists all beings have these energy bodies or fields, including The Earth itself.
Our horse’s etheric field normally heals naturally with the sun, the moon, the wind and the rain, but if things haven’t been going well for our horse, it’s harder for it to be vibrant and clear.
One way we can help our horse’s etheric field to be healthy is by taking care of him physically:-
- Making sure he has access to grazing that is suitable for him, that he has sufficient food, appropriate for his needs and a constant supply of clean water.
- Making sure he has shelter from the elements.
- Making sure he has the company of other horses that he gets on well with and taking care that he’s not being bullied.
- If our horse is stabled at night, we need to make sure that his stable is clean and well ventilated and free from drafts. He needs to be able to put his head out over the stable door and see other horses. If possible the stabling should be designed with partitions which allow horses to see and interact with their neighbours. Our horse shouldn’t be stabled next to a horse he doesn’t get on well with.
- We need to make sure our horse has plenty of turn out time each day with other horses he gets on with, in a safe area that’s well fenced and free from hazards. He needs to be able to exercise himself.
- We need to check our horses regularly to make sure they’ve no injuries and they’re not unwell. They need to be wormed regularly and their feet need to be trimmed regularly, or if they’re being shod, their shoes need to be replaced.
- Our horses shouldn’t be stressed by being overworked and their work routine should have variety to keep them mentally stimulated.
- We also need to take care we don’t stress our horses by exposing them to stressful situations.
These are some basic things we can do to care for our horse physically that’ll help his etheric field to be healthy.
If you’d like to know about how your horse’s etheric field is affected by the energy of the earth beneath him, and on more subtle levels by the planets and stars please click here and enter your details for a free pdf How The Horse’s Etheric Field Heals Naturally.